Monday, November 15, 2010


Hello and thank you for stopping by. This blog is part of a larger project involving New Literacy that the English 503 students at Tækniskólinn in Reykjavík, Iceland have been working on. This semester is the first time that the class has been offered at this school, and my 12 students have very graciously offered themselves as guinea pigs while the actual structure, content and flow of the course is being fine-tuned and honed. This blog, my own, has mostly served as a hub, and while some of the assignments I have given have been posted here, most notices and assignments have been posted on our in-house program, Námsnet. I have also used this blog as an example of what not to do at times, so please be kind and judge my site mildly ; )

Each student was asked to create their own blog, all of which are linked to in the left sidebar of this blog. We have used the blogs as portfolios of a kind; when students research a particular topic, they have been instructed to document the process on their blog, adding links, videos, images and quotes that they happened upon. Over time, the blogs have become more developed, and the students have become much better at utilizing them as 'storage spaces.' We have looked into quite a few topics, as can be seen by reading the students' sites.

Our most recent assignment relating to the blogs was to write a news piece on a current topic, and to design the blogs so that they looked respectable and responsible, so that a reader would feel that the author had sense of authority, and that the article itself was credible.

Our final process with the blogs will be to design them to actually completely fit our personalities, and to give a personalized overview of the course for the next wave of students. This project, then, is a work in process : )

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